5 /Advisory Groups Led by Experts
All sectoral committees, boards or advisory groups established to address racism and inequalities to be led by and made up of those with real insight of these issues, or expertise in these areas.
Stage 1
How does the organisation ensure that constituted groups* are led by people who possess real insight** and expertise in anti-racism issues?
How do constituted groups ensure that they set appropriately challenging targets to achieve race equality and ethnic diversity?
Stage 2
How do constituted groups ensure that they fully represent the ethnic diversity of students, staff and local communities? Are there clear reporting lines to senior leadership and/or governance?
How do constituted groups ensure they are cognisant of the lived experiences and expectations of students, staff and local communities, and use these to inform their priorities and actions?
How do constituted groups set and meet challenging targets for race equality and ethnic diversity?
How do constituted groups evaluate and address processes, actions and behaviours that result in ‘hostile environments’, racial bias, discrimination and/or disadvantage?
How do leaders ensure all constituted groups are effective in driving positive change in addressing racism and race inequalities throughout the organisation, and ensure that this is sustained?
* ’Constituted groups’ means committees, boards or advisory groups’ established to address racism and/or inequalities.
** ’Real insight’ means people who have a lived experience of the effects of racism and race discrimination.