2 /Anti-racism central to CPD
All professional development and leadership programmes to include, as a central component, the consideration of anti-racism; and for teacher training, the inclusion of anti-racist pedagogy.
Stage 1
How is anti-racism promoted through institutional professional development and leadership programmes?
How do teacher training programmes instil anti-racist pedagogy?
Stage 2
How is anti-racism, as a central component, built into all staff, leadership and governance development programmes? Does the consideration of anti-racism feature in student leadership programmes?
How do teacher training programmes explore cognitive diversity and anti-racist pedagogy throughout their curricula?
How are teachers supported to develop their confidence and expertise in implementing
anti-racist pedagogy, including through shared best practice?
How does the commitment to promote
anti-racism stretch beyond staff development, to include all HR processes (e.g. induction, appraisals, conduct and capability, succession planning, etc.)?
How do leaders ensure that all professional development and leadership processes are impactful in engendering race equality and ethnic diversity?