4 /Organisations Publish Data Annually
All regulatory bodies, funders and membership groups to publish workforce, leadership and governance profile data by ethnicity, including actions to address any gaps.
Stage 1
What data does the organisation* publish in relation to race equality and ethnic diversity?
How does the organisation publicly report on progress to address any race equality gaps?
Stage 2
How does the organisation annually publish the impact of actions taken to address any race equality and ethnic diversity gaps across its workforce** (e.g. by job role, function, level, setting, pay, retention, progression, staff turnover, grievances, disciplinaries, dismissals, NDAs, employment tribunals, etc)?
How does the organisation annually publish the impact of actions taken to address any race equality and ethnic diversity gaps across its governance structures (e.g. by role, function, tenure, setting, etc)?
How does the organisation annually review the profile of its key ‘gatekeepers’+ for race equality and ethnic diversity, and take actions to address any gaps?
How does the organisation influence its networks/supply chains to publicise their commitment to race equality and ethnic diversity?
How do leaders ensure their organisation is fully representative of the FE student community and an increasingly ethnically diverse society?
Where relevant, organisations are also advised to publish their data on ‘Student Journey’ – see ref 3.2a
‘Organisation’ refers to FE/HE regulatory and funding bodies, membership groups and all other groups ‘invested in FE’ e.g. awarding organisations, development bodies, trade unions, search companies, etc.
** ’Workforce’ includes all leadership roles, and benchmarking should normally use overall FE student and local working population profiles, and future population projections.
‘Gatekeepers’ refers to people in roles that restrict or enable individual opportunities, choices and/or destinations (e.g. HR professionals, line managers, secretaries to Boards, etc.)