All Colleges/providers* to annually publish student performance, staff and governor profile data by ethnicity, including actions to address any identified gaps.

Stage 1


What data does the institution publish in relation to race equality and ethnic diversity?


How does the institution publicly report on progress to address any race equality gaps

Stage 2


How does the institution annually publish the impact of actions taken to address any race equality and ethnic diversity gaps across the Student Journey** (e.g. by pathway, qualification/subject, level, setting, etc)?


How does the institution annually publish the impact of actions taken to address any race equality and ethnic diversity gaps across its workforce+ (e.g. by job role, function, level, setting, pay, retention, progression, staff turnover, grievances, disciplinaries, dismissals, NDAs, employment tribunals, etc)?


How does the institution annually publish the impact of actions taken to address any race equality and ethnic diversity gaps across its governance structures (e.g. by role, function, tenure, setting, etc)?


How does the institution annually review the profile of its key ‘gatekeepers’++ for race equality and ethnic diversity, and take actions to address any gaps?


How do leaders deliver equitable outcomes for all students and ensure their institution is fully representative of its student body, local community and an increasingly ethnically diverse society?

* ‘Providers’ – refer to page 4 ** ’Student Journey’ (e.g. initial advice and guidance, admissions, learning support needs/take-up, careers advice, teaching and learning experiences, work placements, assessment, retention, attainment, progression to further study/HE/employment/sustained destinations, disciplinaries, suspensions, exclusions, etc). + ’Workforce’ includes all leadership roles (inc senior posts), and benchmarking should normally use student and local working population profiles, and future population projections. ++ ‘Gatekeepers’ means people in roles that restrict or enable individual student/staff opportunities, choices and/or destinations (e.g. course advisors/admissions staff, personal tutors, career advisors, teachers, line managers, mentors/ coaches, clerks to Boards, etc.)