Our Purpose

We exist to challenge systemic racism for the benefit of all *Black communities and the wider UK society as a whole, to be the authoritative voice of Anti-racism in the F/HE, schools, public, voluntary and private sectors and to further the interests of people from ethnically diverse backgrounds who share a lived experience of the effects of racism. Our mission is to eradicate racism; our vision is an Anti-racist culture at the core of all aspects of UK life, education and work.

Our Beliefs

  • Every individual has the right to live a fulfilling life.
  • For as long as systemic racism exists, everyone’s potential will be held back.
  • An Anti-racist education helps people to define and challenge themselves, widen their experience and shape their world.
  • An Anti-racist system unlocks the full potential of all individuals, organisations and communities.

Woven through everything we are and what we do are colourful threads of belonging and joyful celebration.

Our commitment

We are committed to playing our full part, working in collaboration with key stakeholders, to place Anti-racism at the heart of UK society. Central to this is BLG’s support to enable organisational  capacity-building for developing an Anti-racist culture.

We seek to work in partnership with all individuals and organisations that share our mission, beliefs, values and passion to enable cultural change.

Our 10 Point Plan provides a framework to achieve this.